Top Secret Spies
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Publisher: Rio Grande Games
BGGID: 382
Drake says: "The players search for top secret information on seven spies, hidden in a safe. Each player sends his best man into this race for information. As the players hunt for information, they must keep the identity of their spies a secret. The player who gets the most information on the other spies, wins!"
John says: "As in any spy story, the action in this game is exciting, confusing and fast-paced!"
Wolfgang Kramer
While this game appears to be very simple, that isn't necessarily the case. The board is a oval movement track, with points allocated to the various spaces. Seven different colored 'spies' are placed on the board. When it's a player's turn, he rolls a die and then moves any combination of characters forward that number of spaces. The newly moved spies then score points based on the their new location. However, the trick here is that each player's color isn't known until the end of the game, so players are encouraged to deduce which color belongs to whom. In addition, there are some advanced rules which allow players to score more points at the end of the game for correctly guessing everyone's identity.
- 1 Game Board
- 26 Top Secret Cards
- 7 Agent Cards
- 7 Agent Figures
- 7 Scoring Markers
- 1 Safe
- 1 Die
- 1 Rule Booklet

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