The Pillars of the Earth: Builders Duel
Drake says: "Builders Duel is a two player card game based on Ken Follett's award winning book Pillars of the Earth. Both players try to simultaneously build their buildings. To construct your building, you must obtain raw resources and convert them into building materials. You are supported by your friends and powerful allies, but are constantly opposed by dangerous foes. If you manage to overcome and build your building first, you win!"
John says: "A battle between two rivals! Pillars of the Earth: Builders Duel is an excellent 2 player card game that is loved for it's tense, exciting gameplay."
Stefan Feld
For players not satisfied with the possibility of playing Pillars of the Earth with two, there now is a card game on the subject solely for two players - maybe this exclusivity helps them to accept a superb game; yes, again on a successful book.
One player tries to erect a cathedral, while the other is in charge of building a fortress, an element that also seems to be part of the book; the one who succeeds first in erecting his building has won the game.
Each of the two buildings consists of three sections/cards; each of those sections require a different combination of materials. Action cards enable players to get to construction materials; other action cards upgrade these materials, such as iron into bells, sand into cement or wool into cloth.
- 6 Building Cards
- 54 Advantage Cards
- 32 Gold Coins
- 6 Character Markers
- 10 Neutral Seals
- 2 Personal Seals
- 6 Building Cards
- 22 Raw Material/Resource Chits
- 1 Start Player Marker
- 1 Full Color Rule Booklet
10 +

Retail: $24.95
Price: $19.99
Retail: $49.00
Price: $39.20
Retail: $29.00
Price: $23.20
Retail: $49.00
Price: $39.20
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