Drake says: "In Nottingham, players are deputies with the goal to collect the most victory points through trading in cards for victory points. When the Sheriff makes his way through the forest, or all of the assignments have been completed, the game is over. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner!"
John says: "Nottingham is a fun, short family-style card game. The theme is a little vague, but it's very well-produced for a small box game. For a 7 player game, it keeps players active and interacting throughout the game."
Uwe Rosenberg
The sheriff of Nottingham is in trouble! His time in power is nearing its end, and he hasn't quite managed to get enough cash together to buy another year in office. So he sends his Deputies out to collect taxes and promises to promote the most successful Deputy to the rank of Chief Assistant. Is it any wonder, then, that the Deputies think nothing of occasionally robbing each other?
- 1 Scoreboard
- 8 Playing Pieces
- 110 Cards
- 1 Rule Booklet
10 +

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