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Publisher: Rio Grande Games
BGGID: 35435
Drake says: "Nefertiti is set in ancient Egypt, when lords wanted to get favors from the pharaoh, Akhénaton. Each player must gain prestige points by sending servitors to the most remote places of Egypt to find the most magnificent presents."
John says: "An excellent Egyptian-themed auction, tile placement strategy board game. Nefertiti offers lots of interesting decisions based on familiar mechanics that are used in fresh ways!"
Guillaume Montiage, Jacques Bariot & Thomas Cauet
Akhenaton, Pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt, god among men, all powerful sovereign, trembles before no one. There is, however, one mistake that even an immortal king cannot afford to make: forgetting his wedding anniversary, especially when his wife is the exquisite Nefertiti. Alas, the powerful monarch has almost made such an unforgivable blunder, remembering the event a mere two days before it is to take place. Now, he must find a veritable shower of queenly gifts.
The task of finding beautiful and original gifts now falls upon his councilors -- you! Send your servants tot he four corners of Egypt, from Gizeh to abou Simbel and gather up the most impressive objects the realm has to offer. If your gifts are noteworthy and please Nefertiti, there is no doubt that the Pharaoh will reward you most generously.
- 1 Game Board
- 5 Market Plates
- 16 Servant Pawns
- 4 Score Counters
- 30 Coin Tokens
- 12 Royal Seal Tokens
- 46 Gift Cards
- 1 Akhenaton Card
- 13 Character Cards
- 2 Six-sided Dice
- 1 Ankh Memory Token
- 1 Markets Sheet
- 1 Characters Sheet
- 1 Rule Booklet
10 +

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