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Publisher: Rio Grande Games
BGGID: 2955
Drake says: "In Mexica, players return to the time of the Mexica. They build districts (Calpulli) surrounded by canals, build bridges connecting the districts, and build buildings in the districts. Players score points for founding districts and, twice in the game, for the buildings they have built in the districts. The player who scores the most points will win the game."
John says: "This game uses the Action Points game mechanic which allows players several Action Points per turn and an rather large menu on which to spend them. Mexica is the third game in the "Mask Trilogy" (along with Tikal and Java)."
Wolfgang Kramer & Michael Kiesling
First the players explored Tikal, next they developed Java, and now they can help build Mexica. The Aztec prophesy foretold they would build their home where they found an eagle on a cactus eating a snake. After years of seraching they found their eagle on an island in lake Texcoco and there began building a city. Using dams and the natural landscape, they built a city with districts separated by roads of water and connected by many bridges.
Mexica plots the development of the city of the same name on an island in lake Texcoco. Players attempt to partition it into districts, place buildings and construct canals. Districts are formed by completely surrounding areas of the island with water and then placing a District marker. The player who founds a district scores points immediately. Canals and Lake Texcoco act as a quick method of moving throughout the city. Players erect bridges and moving from one bridge to the next which costs 1 action point regardless of the distance. They must also erect buildings. This costs action points, the exact number being dependent upon the buildings size.
In the scoring phases of the game, players score points based upon their dominance in a District. In the 4 player game players with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd most buildings score decreasing numbers of points. Only districts are scored in the first scoring round. In the second scoring round at the end of the game, all land areas are scored, not just districts.
The player with the most points wins.
- 1 Game Board
- 43 Canal Tiles
- 11 Bridges
- 15 Calpulli Tiles
- 72 Buildings
- 12 Action Chips
- 4 Game Figures
- 4 Scoring Markers
- 4 Rule Summary Cards
- 1 Rule Booklet
10 +
Check out "Mexica" on BoardGameGeek.com!
GAMES Magazine Best Family Strategy Game 2003
IGA: Best Strategy Game Nominee 2003
Hunchy says: "If you like Mexica or the Action Points game mechanic, you'll enjoy the other "Mask Trilogy" offerings: Tikal and Java.

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Price: $31.46
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