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Publisher: Rio Grande Games
BGGID: 394
Drake says: "Kahuna is a simple 2-player game in which players use cards to place or remove bridges from a collection of islands. If a player gets the majority of bridges around an island, they may place a marker stone on it and throw off any opponents bridges. This action may result in the loss of a majority of bridges on adjacent islands and marker stones are then lost. Players score based on how many islands they control after each of the 3 rounds."
John says: "Kahuna is a compact area control game for 2 players. It's quick and simple to play, but it's also full of strategic considerations."
Guenter Cornett
Two priests, both followers of Kahuna magic, compete to determine who is the stronger. For the competition, they have chosen an uninhabited archipelago with twelve small islands. They have agreed to use their magical powers to build bridges linking the islands. Each link forged brings a priest closer to control of the islands bridged by the magic. When control of an island is secured, opposing bridges are destroyed, perhaps causing their opponent to lose control of one or more islands. Thus, drawing on fate and their skills, each composes a strategy designed to give them the edge they need in this fast-paced game of shifting control.
- 1 Game Board
- 24 Island Cards
- 20 Kahuna Stones
- 50 Kahuna Bridges
- 1 Rule Booklet
10 +
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