Heads Of State
Drake says: "In Heads of State, there is a hierarchy of nobles and players compete to get the best nobles in each area to gain control of countries. Players collect sets of cards - like Gold, Troops, Dueling Skills, Titles, Castles, Bishop - to raise nobles in four European countries. There are many paths to victory, making every game different and exciting. "
John says: "In Heads of State, careful consideration of marginal changes of control make for very interesting gameplay."
Peter Hawes
Journey back to the 16th to 18th centuries when nobles and royal families struggled to gain power, influence and prestige throughout the provinces and the royal courts of Europe. Players take on the roles of influential families and royal dynasties seeking power in Britain, France, Spain and the German States. Barons, Counts, Earls, Marquis, Dukes and Princes attempt to amass gold, troops, castles, titles, and skills in their quest to increase their prestige and perhaps to rise to the most powerful position of King. Help from the Church and from troops will be essential in such a machiavellian world, where treachery abounds, as players' nobles must run the gauntlet of assassination attempts, the gallows, and the axeman. Not even the King is safe from the guillotine and the Spanish Inquisition. The player who controls the most nobles, and best dominates the provinces and courts of Europe at the end of three centuries, will win the race for the most Heads of State and be crowned victor.
- 1 Game Board
- 70 Noble Cards
- 100 Attribute Cards
- 29 Treachery Cards
- 160 Noble Counters
- 5 Noble Attribute Charts
- 56 Different Wooden Scoring Markers
- 20 Wooden Cubes
- 1 Turn Marker
- 1 Revolution Card
- 1 Revolution Disc
- 1 Cotton Bag
- 1 Rule Booklet
12 +

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