Hare & Tortoise
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Publisher: Rio Grande Games
BGGID: 361
Drake says: "Uh oh! You spent too much time eating lettuce and cannot now win the race. But speed alone cannot win the game. As in the story of the hare and tortoise, a player cannot win as the hare or the tortoise, but must balance the speed and patience of each to win the race. Thus, skill and cleverness are more important than luck in this race. Of course, luck may help, but you cannot rely on luck to win the game." |
John says: "In 1979, Hare and Tortoise was chosen as the first Spiel des Jahres winner. Even today, it remains a unique and popular family game!" |
Designer: David Parlett Description: As the first winner of the Spiel des Jahres award in 1979, Hare and Tortoise or the German Hase und Igel (for Hare and Hedgehog) will always be regarded as a classic game. It is a cunningly designed race to the finish in which your fuel (carrots) must practically run out (all but 10 carrots or fewer) at the moment you hit the finish line. You also have three lettuce cards you must spend during the course of the race. The farther you move, the more carrots you spend, and there are a variety of ways to gain or lose carrots as you go around the track. It's a very clever exercise in arithmetic which David Parlett has fashioned into an entertaining and unique perennial favorite. This game features the legendary race between the hare and the tortoise, but with a twist. Each player plays both parts at different stages of the race. Sometimes it is best to race like rabbit; others, it is best to move slowly and cautiously like the turtle. In the end, it is the best combination of the two strategies that will win the race. Great fun for families, but also some serious strategy for serious players. Contents:
- 1 Game Board
- 6 Markers
- 1 Die
- 112 Cards
- 6 Game Summary Cards
- 1 Rule Booklet
12 +

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